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Wednesday North Stonington Pizza Ride

  • North Stonington Public Schools 298 Norwich-Westerly Rd North Stonington, CT, 06359 United States (map)


W-47 21.6 miles

W-46 15.3 miles

Picnic to follow ride at the Armstrongs
Bring a dish to share, grill will be available and your bathing sui
t for a swim.

Paved Roads

10-13 mph
13-15 mph
15-18 mph

Ride Description:
These Wednesday rides tend to have two or even three separate pace groups

Ride Starter: Art and Julie Armstrong

Printing the Cue Sheet

The maps on this page have a link to the Ride With GPS page.

Click the Title of the map you want to ride.  The Ride With GPS page will open.

In the top left corner, click More, then choose Print Map & Cue PDF.

A page will open that lets you customize the sheet.

Unselecting “cuesheet number” and “Distance to Next” gives a nice format.

Scroll down and click Submit, which downloads a PDF of the Cue Sheet to your Download folder.

Open up that PDF and print your cue sheet.

Open up that PDF and print your cue sheet

June 18

Wednesday Pizza Ride Essex

July 30

Wednesday Stonington Pizza Ride