Ride #240
20 miles
Paved Roads
rain cancels
10-12 mph
12-14 mph
14-17 mph
these Sunday rides tend to have two or even three separate pace groups
Cycling Guidelines and Responsibilities
All cyclists on organized rides must wear an approved helmet.
Be prepared by bringing adequate clothing, food, water, tools and spare tube.
Act responsibly:
Obey all traffic laws (e.g. stop lights, stop signs, stay to the right, ride single file in traffic)
When stopping, get well off the traveled portion of the road.
Be considerate. When appropriate, communicate and signal, i.e. "on your left", "car up", "car back"
Enjoy the ride
All riders must have signed a waiver. Members sign a waiver once a year. Guests are welcome but must sign a waiver at every ride.